Signature Programs

At Avante, we believe that students should have the opportunity to pursue a wide variety of passions through academic, as well as traditionally non academic subjects. We refer to these subjects as Signature Programs. They consist of visual and performing arts, movement and physical fitness, as well as health.

Visual Arts:

Through sketching, painting, sculpting, and other methods, students find ways to connect, impact, and influence the world around them. As the visual arts intersect with other disciplines, students begin to recognize how art amplifies life.

Physical Fitness and Health:

At Avante we promote a healthy relationship with the outdoors, and physical challenge. Healthy relationships, growth mindset, intellectual courage, exercise, stress reduction, sleep, spending time outdoors—the key elements of physical and mental health—are all included in a school’s wellness approach.

Experiences in the outdoors—playing in, learning from, and appreciating nature, including on school playgrounds and during fieldwork in the community are a priority for Avante. Whenever possible and appropriate, students are encouraged to be active and outdoors during the school day.

We emphasize the importance of wellness and teach explicit lessons to support wellness. The physical education program emphasizes personal fitness, self-care, inclusion of diverse abilities, and challenge by choice as well as competitive sports. Good sportsmanship, collaboration, health, and growth in fitness are emphasized over a win-at all-costs mentality.


Performing Arts:

  • Music: Our students are performers, receiving group and individualized instruction from talented faculty, developing into confident and accomplished musicians.
  • Theater: Theatre is an immersive experience. Avante’s students have endless opportunities to act, design, build, and stage-manage to create electrifying performances.
  • Dance: Dance develops character. Rooted in technique and expression, our emerging dance program, which develops confidence and skill.