World Class Team

A team of educators with the highest credentials

Applying new and innovative methods correctly requires having a team of educators with the highest credentials, who are connected to new developments in learning, and guarantee quality education. For this reason, at Avante we have brought together a team of world leaders in education.

Our Director

Board members

Jhon Wells

John Wells 


Prestigious international educator with 35 years of teaching experience and leader of important educational projects in the United States, Spain and Colombia.

Originally from England, he has an undergraduate degree in Humanities from Hartfield Polythectic, a postgraduate degree in Education from Leicester University, a Masters in Arts and Linguistics from Surrey University and a PhD in Education from the University of Bath.

Frank Locker

Dr. Frank Locker

Golden Circle Schools

Architect. Co-founder of Golden Circle Schools and Avante Global School; world leader in educational innovation issues and manager and professor of the LEFT program at Harvard University. Awarded Planner of the Year for its development of effective learning spaces.

Felipe Diago

Felipe Diago

Gimnasio Los Caobos

Director and Founder of Gimnasio Los Caobos, with more than 30 years of experience. He led the transformation of Los Caobos as the 1st School in Bogotá to migrate to an education focused on Entrepreneurship. Defender of values and family as fundamental parts of education.

International Advisory Board

Avante has an excellent and diverse team of teachers and collaborators from all over the world.

We see the role of teachers as authors and guides, who are highly involved in curriculum development, and are the ones who carefully select the best instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of our students. We develop integrated projects that combine standards from multiple subject areas (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Maths) and that meet our expectations for authentic learning.

At Avante Global School we are educators who

  • love children.
  • are passionate about and motivated by our mission, community, and work.
  • are committed to learning and teaching.
  • support student empowerment and success.
  • inspire students to contribute positively and participate responsibly in the global environment.
  • build positive relationships with parents and the community.
  • are multilingual and multicultural

We demonstrate

  • Excellent communication
  • Positivism
  • Determination
  • Curiosity
  • Flexibility
  • Comfort with ambiguity and change

  • Personal growth
  • Initiative
  • Discipline
  • Responsibility
  • Modesty

Leadership team

Alejandra Lequerica

Psychologist from Universidad Javeriana and Master in Early Intervention and Learning Difficulties from ISEP, Barcelona.

Yuly Puello

Yuly Puello

Professional nurse with specializations and masters in School Health and Social Pediatrics, with experience in educational institutions.

Juliana Ortega

Juliana Ortega

Academic Director. Professional in Child Pedagogy from Universidad Javeriana and specialist in Management of Educational Institutions from Universidad de los Andes.
