Showcases of learning

Showcases of student learning serve as joyful culminating events for each project at Avante Global School.

Showcases are intended to celebrate the accomplishment of seemingly unattainable goals, and to demonstrate for parents, students, and the community what students have learned during the previous project. Showcases take many forms, including book-signings, musical productions, performances, and demonstrations.  Each showcase is different, and complements the content and process of the project.

These elements guide us in planning effective showcases:

All showcases:

Are celebrations!

Have a sense of student excitement and investment

Show the connections to the guiding and challenge questions

Capture the richness and depth of the content studied

Showcase the skills students learned

Demonstrate accountability to the audience for students’ knowledge

Show the process of getting to the final product in an accessible way

Have well-thought out logistics, e.g. invitations, space, time, flow of people

Are polished representations of student work

Showcases may:

Have a cohesive feel across grade levels

Be interactive

Present learning in more than one way

Integrate Signature Programs, Religion and Character/Value

Have a clear link to assessment

Showcase real-world, purposeful products

Highlight a service component

Include members of the community as part of the audience

Be hosted during the day or on weekends as well as evenings for other classes and audiences

Recognize “key players” and volunteers

Provide an opportunity for participants and guests to give feedback

Incorporate students’ voices in how the exhibition will work

Check some of our showcases
