Purposeful parents

A space to become the best parent educators

Padres de familia Avante

Aprovechamiento del Tiempo Libre de los Niños

En la sociedad actual, donde las agendas suelen estar repletas de actividades y responsabilidades, es crucial recordar la importancia ... read more

PBL: Respondiendo a las Necesidades de la Sociedad Actual

En un mundo que cambia rápidamente y está en constante evolución, la educación se vuelve fundamental para equipar a las personas con ... read more

Los Primeros 5 Años: La Trascendencia del Neurodesarrollo en la Escolarización Temprana.

La importancia de la escolarización temprana y el impacto crítico que tiene en el neurodesarrollo durante los primeros cinco años de ... read more

What is Project Based Learning and how does it work?

What is project-based learning and how does it work?To understand what project-based learning is, it is important to know how the ... read more

These are the 7 trends in education in the 21st century

These are the 7 trends in education in the 21st century

Parents in the 21st century face new challenges that past generations did not face: globalization, hyper-connectivity, misinformation, ... read more

What is a better bilingual or “normal” school?

What is a better bilingual or “normal” school?

The world we live in is constantly changing, and countries are becoming more and more connected. Learning a second language has become ... read more

What is a bilingual school?

What is a bilingual school?

What is a bilingual school?When it comes time to choose the best school for their children, many parents opt for a bilingual school ... read more

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